

Other Pool Gear

Swimsuits - Sierra Sharks Swim Team expects that all members will wear an appropriate team suit. The team swimsuit is either listed in the SwimOutlet link above or a racing style all-black or all-purple swimsuit. Appropriate racing suits are usually manufactured by racing companies like Speedo, Dolphin, TYR, or Arena.

Team swimmers cannot wear beach style or casual pool style suits. We do allow our high school swimmers to wear our partner High School Ponderosa swimsuit as well to demonstrate our partnership with the school. Team logo swimsuits must be ordered within the ordering window in order to arrive on time from our distributer.

Order your team suit today at the Sierra Sharks SwimOutlet Team Store.

While swim caps are optional at practice, swimmers are expected to wear the team cap at meets. The only exception is swimmers who wear an all-black, all-purple, or their high school swim cap. Team caps are silicone. For those parents who desire to identify their swimmers more easily, the silicone caps may be personalized with a name below the logo. Customized caps must be ordered in pairs with the same name on both caps and must be ordered within the ordering window (see deadline for cap orders on Calendar page here). Non-customized team caps can be purchased on deck at Time Trials and home meets.

Goggles - Swim goggles are required for all practices and meets. They come in all sorts of shapes and sizes, so it can sometimes be difficult to find the right pair for your swimmer. You'll want to make sure they fit (don't let water in), are comfortable, and have good visibility (anti-fog and anti-scratch). You may find more useful information on swim goggles, here.

Fins - We use swim fins during practice. The brand we typically use is FINIS Long Floating Fins for Swimming and Snorkeling. We have a limited supply on the pool deck and recommend that you purchase a pair for your swimmer(s). You can purchase them through SwimOutlet on our storefront. They are also available on Amazon.

Kickboard - At times, swimmers will also use a kickboard during practice. It can be a benefit to your child if they have their own kickboard to practice and train at home as well as during practice. You can purchase them through our storefront or online on Amazon.