Park Terrace Penguins 6/8/2024


Good Evening Sharkies and Shark fam,

We wrapped up the last meet of the season in a tiny pool. Don't you dare go look at the score, it isn't very robust. Away meets that are more than ten minutes from our home pool get tricky because they take a lot of energy for families to get through. I have watched our veterans who have younger kids and I love watching them form a kinship of sorts. Their kids run around with each other like I did with my cousins in a small town with a lot of extended family. I am trying to say it won't be less work but it will become less daunting.

We took our smallest group (50% exactly registered for 130 and 9 of those didn't make it and 6 went home early) to this meet but with the highest number of athletes who are brand new to swim. Many have just learned this year or they are on their second year and just old enough to really start getting some traction. Despite that we picked up new MOC qualifying times is a couple of different events. Here's a look at where it stands right now.

Total MOC individual entries

  • Makena Acosta:

    • 25Free

    • 50Free

    • 25Breast

    • 25Fly

    • 100IM

  • Davis Martin

    • 100IM

    • 50Free

    • 25Back

    • 25bBeast

    • 25Fly

  • Hunter Acosta

    • 25Breast

    • is .05 seconds from 100IM

  • Addison Mossman

    • 50Free

    • 50Back

  • Orion Miles---50Free

  • Hannah Hauk--50Back

  • Dakota Alfaqih--50Breast

  • Lexi Powers--100Breast

  • Savy McDonough

    • 100Free

    • 50Fly

    • is .10 from 50Free

  • Noah Hauck--100Back

Coach is watching--go get MOC

"Less than a second"

  • Addison Mossman

    • .33 seconds from 100 IM

    • .9 seconds from 100Free

  • Solara Loftis--.18from 50Free

  • Dakota Alfaqih--.66 from 100IM

  • Hannah Hauk

    • almost has 50Free

    • 100IM

    • is .37 from Fly

  • Ava Liggio needs -.32 in 100Breast

  • James Stowe is .85 from 100IM

  • Josh Stowe and Noah Hauk are about 1 second from 100IM MOC

  • Honorable mention goes to Simon Lea who joined the team ten days ago, did his first meet at Park Terrace and is barely 1 second from 50 fly MOC! Nicely done.

Personal Bests!

Sharks racked up a whopping 186 new personal records for individual swimmers! That is awesome to see and shows that athletes are getting stronger and developing technique that work.

Jack Henry Divelbiss finally figured out a key component in 100IM. He took 3rd place and dropped 12.72seconds! Gwenyth Morgan, one of our tiniest swimmers has gone from 3:29.83 and dropped 2minutes and 40 seconds in basically one meet and is now in the middle of the 5 year old pack. Harper Pasek ( I told you about her a couple meets ago--also 5) is making it a habit to drop double digits and get faster every week by about 15 seconds, If she does that again she will be in first place for the 6 and under girls! Davis Hunter is one of the hardest working swimmers in the pool and his reward this week was taking 13.29 seconds off of his 50Fly.

Sharky Spotlight
Finally, I wanted to highlight a couple of Sharks that really exemplified Sharks spirit at this last meet. This is never easy because we literally have the greatest kids. I narrowed it down to Simon Lea, he just joined the team a week and a half ago. He is 17 and has swam 2 years of high school but has never been on a Swim Team outside of Ponderosa High. He is learning so much from our coaches and at his first meet he almost got the 50fly MOC. I am excited to see how the season goes for him and loved watching him be a part of the competition this weekend. The Second Sharky Spotlight from the meet is Solara Loftis. During any meet you can find her being any swimmers hype-man, or even just hyping the coaches. If a swim goes the way she planned it she will have a great big smile on her face and if something goes sideways and her swim plan falls apart--you will still find her with a smile on her face ready to learn and try again. You cannot find a better attitude in the pool.

Sharks will be gifting these two swimmers a free download from our photo album.

Password: purpleandblack24

Thanks team, see you on the pool deck,

Coach Melanie